My Story

I grew up in a small coastal town in Florida. When I wasn’t running through creeks and orange groves with my three brothers, I was putting on skits and dance routines, scratching down poems in my journal, and pretending a British accent everywhere I went. Through high school and early adulthood, my life continued to be immersed in the arts. But while the performing arts provided community, expression, and even a form of healing, they always left me hungering for something more.

After finishing my English degree at USF, I headed for New York City to pursue an artistic life. It was there that my lifelong seeking of truth finally led me to God, and I realized that I had always been searching for him. My husband and I began our family, and after twelve years in the City, we moved our four children to Tampa. My family continues to be the deepest joy and greatest creative endeavor of my life.

Through the years, as I was scratching down poems in carlines, on sidelines, during nap times, I often wondered if there was anyone else interested in poetry anymore. Was there anyone in the church who truly cared about the arts? I wasn’t aware of the artistic revival that was taking place all around me. When God gave me the blessing of joining up with VUVIVO Ministries, I realized that my little stream of creativity had found a river — and that there were many beautiful rivers heading to the same ocean.

I am excited to release my first book of poetry, Alchemy of Praise, published by
V3 Press, The title is derived from the transformations and revelations that come through a life of intimacy with the Creator and his creation, as well as poetry’s power to transform. In the fall, I will be releasing my first picture book, Lost Siggi Found. I am honored to offer back to God, the Artists of artists, that which he has given me. May his name be glorified through good, true, and beautiful art.